Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cheated Already

After making it through yesterday...I cheated first thing this morning. I didn't have my shakes or anything ready, and just last week I bought a huge box of Rice Krispie Treats from Costco. This morning, I just had to have one. So not worth the 90 calories. I tasted sosososo good...but now I just want everything that I can't have. I just want to go on a full blown eating rampage today. There's something about being at home instead of work. I have PLENTY that I could be doing, and really needs to get done...but after working so hard all week I just want to be lazy and eat junk and enjoy my day.

I plan on giving myself some cheat days (for my baby showers, and things like that) but today wasn't supposed to be one of them. I hope I can stay strong the rest of the day! I don't know if I'm using the pregnancy and my cravings as an excuse (now's the only time I can!) but we'll see if I can just be stronger. I'll check in later.

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