The night before...
In preparation of starting my Xocai meal replacement plan, I went shopping. I don't have the materials yet which give a more specific guideline, so I texted Jennifer to ask what I can eat for my 1800 calories each day. Lean proteins, fruits, veggies, & whole grains. Well...kind of straight forward but leaves some room for error. Here's what I ended up buying:
*Turkey Lunch Meat
*Spinach Tortillas
*Whole Wheat Tortillas
Not the largest variety, but I figured I had a few things at home that I could combine with those things. Jen & LaRue (also in the trial) came by that night to bring me the meal replacement stuff and to chat a bit about how to get started and everything. We discussed the possibility of my having 4 shakes a day instead of 2, and using 1 scoop of meal replacement instead of 2. This would give me the same nutrients, but spread it out a bit throughout the day. I worried that with my gastric maybe the full shake wouldn't fit in my tummy as well.
We also talked about their table that they are getting for the "What Women Want" show Sept 24 & 25. I'm excited to be able to try the product before going to the show! It'll give me some experience to speak to.
I'm not sure exactly how the day will go tomorrow, but I'll jut do my best. At least I have a plan to follow now!
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