Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 2 - Friday, August 27

Day 2 - Friday, August 27

Prepping food this morning took longer than I thought. I made myself get up at a semi-decent time, but I was still late because of getting food put together. I'll get the timing worked out eventually (and hopefully I'll get to the point where I can actually drag myself out of bed...that's the real problem!) Here's the list I put together last night:

*Spinach wrap
*2 shakes w/ a banana & an Xe
*2 servings strawberries
*a banana
*2 turkey slice & laughing cow cheese rolls
*4 hard boiled eggs (I know...but I was feeling really hungry at the time I made my list!)

Didn't quite turn out how I planned. I added more to my shakes, and they turned out SO good!! I ended up with an accidenatlly frozen banana, 10 over-ripe strawberries, an Xe (yay for an energy drink), 8 oz. water, 4 scoops of the protein meal replacement, and a handful of ice. This ended up being both shakes so it lasted me pretty much all day. Like I said, it was SO yummy, though! Definitely worth the extra calories for the taste (and energy!) My mom even liked it (which is saying a LOT). I poured the shakes into metal thermoses and water bottles so I could rotate them through the fridge at work all day (which kept them cold and yummy).

I got to work to see the email about Friday Treat Day. I forgot about that. Sadness. There are a large group of us who take turns bringing treats every Friday. The email today referenced how unhealthy todays treat was. If I were smart, I wouldn't have gone over to even look, but curiosity got the better of me. Rice Krispie treats dipped in chocolate, variety muffin breads, and cookies. Somehow...I resisted. YAY!! I must say...resisting treat day while pregnant? I should get a medal!

9:30 hit (I got to work at 7:30) and I had been drinking my shake too slowly. I was still drinking it...and hungry. Being hungry while drinking the shake is a pretty good sign I'm not drinking fast enough. I broke into my snack bag and had a hard boiled egg. Not too bad, but ya know.

So an ADD tangent...I think that I still have a messed up view of food. Even looking at the list of ALL the food I had planned for the day, I had this strange fear that I would eat through it all too fast and I would end up still being hungry tonight. I know how irrational this is. I know that technically the above list is a LOT of food...but it's just a fear. Breaking into my "snack stash" so early concerned me.

So I kept drinking my shakes throughout the day. I got through a meeting at work to which they had brouoght cookies. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodle. My 2 favorite. Come on...really?!? After I passed up muffin bread (which I've been wanting and never got), rice krispie treats (another weakness) I'm faced with snickerdoodles and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? Yeah...not fair by a long shot. I'm proud to say that I passed the test.

So by 2:30 in the afternoon I was still sipping my shakes and realized that I really needed to pick it up. One bad thing about sipping the shakes is that I wasn't sipping water. I really need to focus on the shakes as "meals" and set a specific time I need to drink them within. I'm not sure how that's going to work...but that was one of today's realizations. I also need to force some extra walking or something because I didn't get any "intentional" exercise in. My days are so long and busy that I need to schedule time for breaks and walking. I attempted that...set breaks in my outlook calendar...then I just dismissed them when the reminders popped up.

So...long day and I didn't eat all of my food. Adding the extra fruit and stuff to the shakes got me closer to the number of calories that I'm supposed to hit in a day...but I'm still a couple hundred off. Here's what I ended up eating today:

*2 shakes w/ Xe, 10 strawberries, & a whole banana
*1 hard boiled egg (although I might fit another one in before bed)
*a whole spinach wrap
*1 turkey slice w/ laughing cow cheese
*1 c. grapes
*10 strawberries (in addition to the 10 in the shake)

I ended up getting 5 glasses of water in so far which is pretty good considering how long I was drinking the shakes. I'll try for a couple of more before bed.

So that's it for day 2 on the diet front. Nothing too terribly exciting to report (except my awesome shake discovery). I promised myself that I would only weigh once a week...but couldn't help myself. Down about 3 lbs, although I'm keeping in mind that there's room for fluxuation, so I'm trying to not get too excited.

I'm not planning ahead for tomorrow. Being the weekend, I have a little more freedom. We'll see how it goes!

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